Stagira Consulting

Our Model for Organisation Transformation

We take a whole systems approach to transforming organisational culture, with leadership the key driver of culture change.

Our approach is grounded in an integrated model that begins with envisioning the End in Mind—an explicit articulation of Marketplace Success. This serves as the foundation for shaping both your Stakeholder Experience strategy, aimed at fostering loyalty and nurturing trusting relationships with key stakeholders, and your People Experience strategy, aimed at cultivating a highly engaged and impassioned workforce.

In our integrated approach, we articulate the culture that will propel these elements forward, with a particular emphasis on Leadership Behaviour. While many organisations have existing leadership and culture strategies, our unique approach involves collaborating with organisations to weave these into an integrated framework, especially one that ingrains desired behaviours into the fabric of the organisation.

An additional key factor for success in our model is the emphasis on Mindset. Behaviour is profoundly influenced by our belief systems, which are in turn shaped by our mindset. Without addressing mindset, resistance to behavioural change persists, often leading to the failure of cultural strategies to achieve sustained success, as they typically focus solely on observable behaviours.

We're committed to partnering with you to holistically address these critical components, ensuring enduring success and impactful transformation within your organisation.


Our Model for Individual Transformation

At Stagira, we deeply understand that organisational transformation is a journey embarked upon one person at a time. We recognise that individual transformation hinges on three fundamental elements: Insight, Desire, and Capacity.


Insight serves as the catalyst for personal change. It begins with the recognition of aspects within ourselves that, if transformed, could enhance our effectiveness and overall satisfaction. Often, prior to this Insight, we remain unaware of these pivotal aspects and the profound impact they could have on our lives.


However, Insight alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by a profound Desire for change—a visceral commitment to addressing the identified insights. This Desire transcends mere acknowledgement; it entails a deep-rooted commitment to altering behaviour, investing time and resources, and implementing measurable strategies to track progress towards personal transformation goals.


Yet, even with unwavering Desire, individuals often encounter hurdles on their path to change. This is where Capacity comes into play. Capacity represents the ability to navigate obstacles and sustain momentum towards transformation. Coaching is instrumental in this regard, as it helps individuals confront limiting beliefs, fears, and anxieties that may impede progress despite their strong Desire for change.

At Stagira, our commitment goes beyond addressing mere Insight or Desire. We are dedicated to supporting individuals across all three elements—Insight, Desire, and Capacity—empowering them to achieve and sustain their personal transformation goals effectively.